Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Simple Short Crust Pastry.....Simples.

If i had a euro for every person who asked me for a pastry recipe...etc etc.
Look! Pastry is very simple, there are a few does and don'ts, but overall it is in the realm of any armature cook.
Firstly...Don't use Margarine...I beg you. Why you might ask? Because its horrible is my answer.
Secondly....Use fresh free range eggs or a duck egg.
Thirdly...Use strong Bakers flour.
Fourthly......DO NOT allow your pastry to get warm...People with cold hands make better pastry :)
Finally....Keep your recipe simple.

My pastry recipe is so simple that i will never forget it, and I've used it for years.

400g flour
300g butter
200g Castor sugar
1 free range egg
drop of water if needed.

Combine dry ingredients in a mixer, add butter and when mixture starts looking like biscuit crumbs, add the whole egg.
Once mixture forms a ball, remove from bowel, wrap in clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge until firm enough to work.
Use as little flour as possible when rolling out.

And that's it folks ....The 4,3,2,1 recipe.
You can always add orange zest, vanilla or whatever you want to flavour it with.

Try it!